Workshop on Springer Volume
“Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure
in Computer Science and Beyond”

September 18th-20th, 2023

This is a workshop to celebrate the publication of the volume Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond, published in the Springer series “Outstanding Contributions to Logic”:


Monday 18 Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20
09:00-09:30 tea & coffee +
intro by Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (09:20)
tea & coffee tea & coffee
09:30-10:00 Phokion Kolaitis
Consistency, Acyclicity, and Positive Semirings
Anuj Dawar
Variables, Pebbles, Width and Support
Chris Heunen
The Quantum Effect - A Recipe for Quantum Pi
10:00-10:30 Andrew Moshier
Relations in Order-enriched Categories
Robert Raussendorf
Interwoven paths: my journey through contextuality, cohomology and paradox
Andrzej Murawski
Deconstructing general references via game semantics
10:30-11:00 Vladimir Zamdzhiev
Central Submonads and Notions of Computation
Giuseppe Greco
Lambek-Grishin Calculus: Focusing, Display and Full Polarization
Daphne Wang
Causality and Signalling of Garden-Path Sentences
11:00-11:30 tea & coffee tea & coffee tea & coffee
11:30-12:00 Carmen Constantin
Towards a Classification of Contextuality
Jouko Väänänen
Dependence logic and dimension
Amin Karamlou
CSP relaxations and the hierarchy of contextuality
12:00-12:30 Shane Mansfield
Testing Contextuality on a General-purpose Single-photon-based Quantum Computing Platform
Glynn Winskel
GoI to SmP
Luca Reggio
Paths without homotopy, and homotopy without paths
12:30-14:00 lunch break lunch break lunch break
14:00-14:30 Dan Marsden
Ripples from Pebbles
Jim Laird
Axioms for sequentiality, state and concurrency
14:30-15:00 Rafał Stefański
Monads, Comonads, and Transducers
Nihil Shah
Mixed Distributive Laws: Game Comonads over Distribution/Quantum Monads
15:00-15:30 Tomáš Jakl
Towards comonadic locality theorems
Amy Searle
Quantifying Non-Classicality in Temporal Measurement Scenarios
15:30-16:00 tea & coffee tea & coffee
16:00-16:30 Pierre Clairambault
The Geometry of Causality: Multi-token Geometry of Interaction and Its Causal Unfolding
Rui Soares Barbosa
Logic and structure at the borders of paradox
16:30-17:00 Peter Hines
“It's all Greek to me” - on the pre-history of categorical logic
Samson Abramsky
Contextuality in logical form

The meeting will take place in the Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre of University College London, WC1E 6BT. We suggest to come in the main entrance to UCL and go to the far right corner; the entrance there is signed as Wilkins South Cloister and there is a staircase leading to the Gustave Tuck LT.

You can take a virtual tour of the campus, or glimpse the Lecture Theatre from the work of Christopher Nolan.

Social activities
On Monday at 6pm we will meet for an informal pub dinner at The Jack Horner, on Tottenham Court Road.

The workshop dinner will take place on Tuesday evening at 7pm at TAS Restaurant Bloomsbury.

Organising and programme committee

  • Samson Abramsky
  • Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
  • Luca Reggio

Contact information
For further information please contact Luca Reggio at

Confirmed participants (in alphabetical order)