
Upcoming talks

Past talks

  1. Resource-bounded logics - a categorical and modal view, Birmingham Theory Seminar, Birmingham, 22 November 2024

  2. Game comonads, logical and homotopical aspects, invited talk at the 38th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, Coimbra, 8-12 July 2024

  3. Game comonads and resource-sensitive model theory, invited talk at TACL 2024, Barcelona, 1-5 July 2024

  4. Games, comonads, and categorical homotopy, PPS seminar, Paris, 23 November 2023

  5. Game comonads and Homotopy, PPLV Seminar, London, 9 November 2023

  6. Paths without homotopy, and homotopy without paths, Workshop on Springer Volume “Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond”, London, 18-20 September 2023

  7. Polyadic spaces, homomorphism counting and omega-categorical theories, invited talk at the XXII Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Pisa, 4-9 September 2023

  8. Concrete, abstract, axiomatic – A (personal) journey through game comonads, Resources and co-Resources Closing Workshop, Cambridge, 17-19 July 2023

  9. Resource-sensitive model theory, a categorical view, invited talk at Category Theory 2023, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2-8 July 2023

  10. Logical resources and arboreal adjunctions, OASIS seminar, Oxford, 12 May 2023

  11. Logical resources and arboreal adjunctions, Logic seminar, Manchester, 26 April 2023

  12. Polyadic sets and unnatural isomorphisms, Algebra, Logic and Topology Seminar, Coimbra, 14 March 2023

  13. Logical resources and arboreal adjunctions, LIMD Seminar, Chambéry, 2 March 2023

  14. Arboreal categories, Resources in Computation workshop, London, 21-23 September 2022

  15. Arboreal categories and homomorphism preservation theorems, invited talk at ItaCa Fest 2022, Online, 20 September 2022

  16. The algebraic theory of C(X) and its logic, invited talk (as recipient of the Premio Lettieri 2019 and Premio Gentilini per la Logica in Informatica) at XXVII Incontro di Logica, Caserta, 12-15 September 2022

  17. Relating Structure to Power, an Invitation to Game Comonads, advanced course (taught jointly with Tomáš Jakl) at ESSLLI Summer School, Galway, 8-19 August 2022

  18. Regular categories and soft sheaf representations, TACL 2021-22, Coimbra, 20-24 June 2022

  19. Arboreal categories and homomorphism preservation theorems, Duality and More workshop, Nice, 16-20 May 2022

  20. Game comonads - Towards an axiomatic theory of resources, PPLV Seminar, London, 11 February 2022

  21. Game comonads - Towards an axiomatic theory of resources, Chocola meeting, Lyon, 2 December 2021

  22. Game comonads and homomorphism counting in finite model theory, Logic Colloquium 2021, Online, 19-24 July 2021

  23. Arboreal categories and resources, ICALP 2021, Online, 12-16 July 2021

  24. A categorical view on logical resources, DOCToR - Duality, Order, (Co)algebras, Topology, and Related topics, Online, 7-9 July 2021

  25. Lovász-type theorems and game comonads, LiCS 2021, Online, 29 June - 2 July 2021

  26. Lovász-type theorems and polyadic spaces, invited talk at BLAST 2021 (Special session on Stone and Priestley dualities), Online, 9-13 June 2021

  27. Arboreal categories - An axiomatic theory of resources, PLUME Seminar, Online, 7 June 2021

  28. Compact Hausdorff spaces and their algebraic dual, Ottawa Categorical Logic Seminar, Online, 18 March 2021

  29. A characterisation of the category of compact Hausdorff spaces, Cambridge Category Theory Seminar, Online, 9 March 2021

  30. Counting homomorphisms between finite structures, Bern-Prague joint Logic Seminar, Online, 24 February 2021

  31. Counting homomorphisms between finite structures, LMF Seminar (ENS Paris-Saclay), Online, 11 December 2020

  32. Quantifiers and measures, invited talk at the Workshop on Resources and Co-Resources, Cambridge Online, 26 March 2020

  33. Duality and limits of finite structures, PLUME Seminar, Lyon, 16 December 2019

  34. Duality and limits of finite structures, LSV Seminar, Cachan, 10 December 2019

  35. Formal languages, logic, and duality, Mathemathical Colloquium, Bern, 11 November 2019

  36. Uniform interpolation for intuitionistic logic via an open mapping theorem, Algebra Seminar, Bern, 30 October 2019

  37. Limits of finite structures, a duality theoretic perspective, Automata Seminar, IRIF, Paris, 25 October 2019

  38. Dualities in Logic, old and new results, invited talk at the XXI Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Pavia, 2-7 September 2019

  39. Axiomatising categories of spaces, the case of compact Hausdorff spaces, TACL 2019, Nice, 17-21 June 2019

  40. Dualities in Logic, two-part invited tutorial at PhDs in Logic XI, Bern, 24-26 April 2019

  41. Uniform interpolation for IPC via an open mapping theorem for Esakia spaces, Seminar of Applied Mathematical Logic, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 20 February 2019

  42. Beth definability and the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, 28 November 2018

  43. Duality, definability and continuous functions, Seminar of Applied Mathematical Logic, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 14 November 2018

  44. Pretoposes and topological representations, invited talk at the International Workshop on Topological Methods in Logic VI, Tbilisi, 2-6 July 2018

  45. Langages formels et dualité, entre syntaxe et sémantique, invited talk at the workshop Logique, Langages, Preuves, Université de Montpellier, 31 May - 1 June 2018

  46. A pretopos theoretic characterisation of compact Hausdorff spaces, Journées niçoises de logique catégorique, topos et dualités, Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné, Université Côte d’Azur, 8-12 January 2018

  47. Adding a layer of (simple) quantifiers via semidirect products and codensity monads, Part II, séminaire Dualité de Stone, langages formels et logique, Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné, Université Côte d’Azur, 17 October 2017

  48. Adding a layer of (simple) quantifiers via semidirect products and codensity monads, Part I, séminaire Dualité de Stone, langages formels et logique, Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné, Université Côte d’Azur, 10 October 2017

  49. Quantifiers, languages and codensity monads, TACL 2017, Charles University of Prague, 26-30 June 2017

  50. Quantifiers on languages and codensity monads, Part II, DuaLL seminar, IRIF, Université Paris-Diderot, 19 April 2017

  51. Quantifiers on languages and codensity monads, Part I, DuaLL seminar, IRIF, Université Paris-Diderot, 24 March 2017

  52. The Schützenberger product for syntactic spaces, ICALP 2016, Rome, 12-15 July 2016

  53. Toward a general Stone-Gelfand duality, invited talk at the International Workshop on Topological Methods in Logic V, Tbilisi, 13-17 June 2016

  54. On existential quantification and hyperspaces for logic on words, Logic seminar, Università di Milano, 7 April 2016

  55. Duality theory - from algebra to topology, through logic, Journée des entrants, IRIF, Université Paris-Diderot, 2 November 2015

  56. Axiomatising the dual of compact Hausdorff spaces, TACL 2015, Ischia, Italy, 21-26 June 2015

  57. Stone duality above dimension zero, 18th Annual Conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures, H. L. Wilkes Honors College, Jupiter, Florida, 7-10 May 2015

  58. Stone duality above dimension zero - infinitary algebras of real-valued functions on compact Hausdorff spaces, Beyond true and false - Algebra, Logic and Topology, Università di Firenze, 3-5 December 2014